Saturday, August 2, 2014

Pictures From Eden's 4th Month

The last time Eden fell asleep in public. Sigh.

Sweet, sleeping baby.

Eden's hair started falling out at rapid speed so I decided to start putting headbands on her.

Reading a book with Daddy at bedtime.

Pledging allegiance to the flag on July 4th (she doesn't know her left from right yet).  Hehe.

My beautiful baby girl!

Her open-mouth smile is my favorite!

Such a happy baby!

I am quite certain she sounded like a baby pterodactyl here (don't worry, it means she's happy).

Chillaxing after a swim in the pool (which she loved).

Naked baby!

Photo shoot with her new swimsuit and hat. She's just the cutest.

Playing in her Bumbo seat!

Silly, happy girl!

Family selfie :)

Hanging out in the swing at Aunt Rachel's house.

Being held by her cousin Mallory (who adores her).

All the cousins (sorry about the horrible lighting).

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