Friday, March 27, 2015

Eden Amelia is One Year + One Month Old

I'm sure your first thought is…"Really?  She's going to continue doing monthly updates even though Eden has turned one?  Really?!?"  But don't worry.  I have no intentions of trying to continue to update every month now that she has hit the one year mark.  Eden's little toddler personality is just blossoming and I want to be sure it is documented here on the blog!  I'm also going to post a video (or two) for your viewing pleasure because I feel that pictures just do not do her justice!  Don't get me wrong, she's adorable but she's just that much cuter in action. ;)

Just in the last few weeks, Eden has started doing some really cute things.  While we were in Florida, she learned the word "uh oh" and likes to say it repeatedly.  At first, she said it all the time whether an accident happened or not.  Now, she likes to say it when she drops something on purpose.  It's kind of frustrating but mostly just really, really endearing.  On our way home from Florida, she learned how to open and close the mouthpiece on her water bottle.  I am so proud of how quickly she is catching on to things.  I think she has already graduated to Erikson's second developmental stage of autonomy vs. shame.  She is trying her best to be independent and gets very frustrated when she can't complete a task on her own.  I am trying to do my best to allow her some independence without expecting her to do everything on her own, obviously. Saturday, she was being really loud around my niece who was sleeping so I put my hand over her mouth to muffle the sound and I moved it on and off her mouth to make a fun noise (you know what I mean, right?  It's really difficult to describe!).  Well, she has been doing it to herself and me ever since.  Haha!  I think my favorite new thing she does is puts her hands up when you ask her a question, as if she's gesturing, "I don't know!"  She is also pointing at a lot of things.  No, maybe my favorite thing is her dance moves.  They're not necessarily new but she is dancing more often these days and loves to shake and nod her head. She also puts her hands up in the air and shakes them around.  I wish I had a good video but every time I take my phone out to video her, she gets fixated on my phone and stops dancing.  That's all I can think of right now.

This video is kind of old but it's the best I've got of her dance moves...

Eden's Dance Moves from Mary Brown on Vimeo.

And this is a more recent one of Eden reading me one of her favorite books…

Eden Reading a Book from Mary Brown on Vimeo.

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