Friday, February 7, 2014

37 Weeks - "Full Term"

I don't really know where to start...

This week has been quite busy and to be really honest, I'm a bit overwhelmed with my to-do list.  I've had something to do every day and I've had much less down time (or time to knock out things on my to-do list) than I would like.  The activities keeping me busy are enjoyable, don't get me wrong, but I just wish there were more hours in the day and that I had more energy to act upon these nesting instincts that are taking over my mind and body! 

With that lack of time, I will have to keep this post pretty short.  I will tell you about the prenatal appointment I had today.  All went very well and overall, I really can't complain about how I'm feeling.  Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely starting to feel more uncomfortable but I can't say that it's so distressing that I'm really ready for her to come out yet.  This fact, along with the lack of contractions and any other signs of impending labor, leads me to believe that we still have a few more weeks before AppleSeed makes her grand entrance into the world.  Back to my appointment...  My weight was the same (I've gained about 30 pounds for anyone who cares), my BP was OK, my urine was all negative, my fundal height was at 36cm which is right on target, and everything else checked out great!  My midwife and I had a good chat about many things concerning pregnancy, labor and delivery and I'm really glad I've chosen to have this baby at that particular birth center with my midwife.  I also had my last two childbirth classes this week and although they were very helpful, I am relieved to cross that off my list.  Dinner (at Five Guys, yum!) beckons so I'll leave you with my belly pic and weekly stats...

How far along?  37 weeks

Baby is the size of a:  bunch of Swiss chard (don't ask me, that's what the website says...)

Maternity clothes:  My wardrobe is dwindling quickly.  I only have a handful of shirts that cover my huge belly at this point so it's pretty challenging to figure out what to wear these days.

Symptoms:  Pelvic and low back pain, forgetfulness and clumsiness (at an all-time high), itchy abdomen, fatigue with bursts of "nesting" energy, heartburn/indigestion, occasional ankle swelling, shortness of breath (with light activity), and f r e q u e n t urination.

Sleep:  Definitely not quite as good as a couple weeks ago...

Number of times I get up to pee each night:  Every 2-4 hours so depending on how long I get to sleep, 2-4 times a night!

Best moment this week:  Nothing crazy special happened this week...hearing her heartbeat today was good as always!

Miss anything?  Not especially.  I guess if I had to choose, I'd say being able to sleep all night without getting up to pee (and sleeping well).

Food cravings:  Nothing in cream and perhaps a few other random things but they have usually been fleeting.

Anything making you queasy or sick?  No.

Movement:  Yes, she's still quite active.  I love trying to figure out which body part is where.  I probably poke at her to get her to move way too much.  I'm sure she's sick of it!

Stretch marks?  Nope!  Hoping I can safely say I won't get any at this point!

Belly button - in or out?  It's poking out at the top but still mostly flat.

Wedding rings - on or off?  On, yay!

Mood:  Getting a little more cranky and irritable this week.  I attribute it to feeling more uncomfortable physically and also getting anxious about having so much to do with so little time and energy to do it!

Looking forward to:  Knocking things off my to-do list!

Baby preparations:  I said I would be sure to have certain things done by the end of this week (like having my bag packed, having the car seat base installed, etc.) but I still haven't finished them!  Like I mentioned before, I just haven't had much time to get things done.  The nursery is almost completely finished except for hanging blinds, curtains and a couple more things on the walls.  Otherwise, I just have a lot of cleaning/organization I would really love to get done around the house.  It's not the end of the world if it doesn't get done, I guess!

What the baby is up to this week according to
Your due date is very close now, but doctors don't consider your baby "full term" until 39 weeks. Spending the next two weeks in the womb allows your baby's brain and lungs to fully mature. So if you're planning to have a repeat c-section, for example, your practitioner will schedule it for no earlier than 39 weeks unless there's a medical reason to intervene earlier.
Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (about the size of a bunch of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.

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