Monday, December 29, 2014

Eden Amelia is Ten Months Old!

Eden turned 10 months old two days before Christmas.  And we traveled to my parents' house that day.  And she was sick.  And then I worked for three nights in a row.  So, needless to say, I'm a little late on this post.  I'm going to try my best not to talk about our Christmas festivities even though I am writing this after the fact.  I'll save that for another post.

This past month has been a lot of fun!  Eden is such a joy right now.  She is seriously happy 95% of the time.  She's even sleeping better, for the most part.  She's not sleeping through the night in her crib or any nonsense like that…but she takes two good naps a day on most days and she doesn't wake up to party in the middle of the night nearly as often anymore.  She's been going to bed at a very decent hour and sleeping until a reasonable time most mornings.  It's quite refreshing!  Haha.

Physically, this girl is growing like a weed.  Although we haven’t done an accurate naked weight since the last update, she weighed 21 lbs. 12 oz. when we went to an urgent care place last week.  She had her clothes and a wet diaper on, though, so it’s not all that accurate.  She still loves to eat and is doing better and better with solids.  I’m so glad we decided to do Baby Led Weaning.  It’s nice to trust her instincts instead of having to decide what to feed her when and how much and all that good stuff.  I am getting a little concerned about having to be more responsible for her nutrition.  Breastfeeding her is sooooo much easier than making sure she eats nutritious food three or more times a day!  When we first started her on solids, I had to make a concerted effort to try to eat healthier and, unfortunately, I’ve gotten lazy again.  One of my New Year’s resolutions is to try to eat less processed food as a family.  We’ve already taken steps towards this by making our own taco seasoning and chili seasoning, making our own spaghetti sauce, using coconut oil instead of butter and vegetable oil, and eating more whole fruits and vegetables.  Now, I want to branch out into grains, breads, and snack foods (like homemade cheez-its, for example). 

Anyhow (kind of went off on a tangent there), developmentally, she is really starting to move around a lot more.  She’s not officially crawling yet but she gets around.  She’s also pulled herself up to standing a few times.  She loves to stand at the ottoman or other furniture that’s just the right height.  She’ll be cruising or even walking before we know it!  I'm very much enjoying the fact that she can sit independently and move around without falling and hurting herself.  I'm not looking forward to her becoming more mobile.  I'm thinking I might have some shower-less days in the near future.

She talks up a storm almost all the time and makes all kinds of delightful noises.  Like I said before, she is so happy most of the time.  The only time she really gets fussy is in the car.  We have been trying to find a convertible car seat for some time now.  We bought one off Amazon a while back but it doesn’t fit in my car!!!  I didn’t even think about it when we bought it and I am so annoyed.  Then, as I started to do some research, I found out that this is supposed to be one of the more compact car seats.  Now, I’m very discouraged and not sure we’ll ever find one that fits in our little compact car.  I think I might be doomed to ride in the back seat anytime there is more than one adult in the car at a time (the passenger seat has to be all the way up for the car seat to fit behind it). 

Back to Eden’s development…she is doing much better at solitary play.  She still likes you to be nearby but she will play in one place with one group of toys (or often makeshift “toys”) for longer periods these days.  Here is where I’m tempted to tell you about the toys she got for Christmas, but I will restrain myself!  We're also enjoying having more playdates.  I've become friends with two moms here in the area who each have babies that are six weeks older than Eden, one boy and one girl.  They have a lot of fun together.

Alright, enough talk.  Here are some pictures of my adorable baby girl.

Ten Months Old

Weight:  21 lbs. 12 oz.

I forgot to mention last month that Eden cut her first tooth just before she turned 9 months.  Now, she has 2!  It's difficult to imagine her with teeth but of course, she's cute with or without them!

I think I covered everything else above!  Hoping to post an update with pictures and details about the month of December very soon.

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